Monday, August 10, 2009

How I Got Here...

I know that my decision to stay in Paraguay was a huge surprise to a lot of people, even me. When my friends and I were planning this trip, it was originally supposed to be for 2 weeks in Paraguay and afterwards, we were supposed to go to Peru for 10 days to join up with another mission team. That was the plan...

God told me several years ago at a youth camp in South Carolina that I would one day be doing missions. I was very young and confused as to why and how I would one day being missions. Now looking back, I see how God was molding me and making me and sending me in the paths that I would be exposed to missionaries and situations that would one day bring me to where I am now.

The first person I personally knew to go on a mission trip was my cousin. She went to India for about two months to work with some ladies there. When she got back, we had a big talk about her trip and I told her about how I knew one day that I would be doing missions but I didn't know when. I had always been so unsure about myself because I never had anyone that was like "yea, you could do it!" When I told her, her reply was "I have seen that in you for a long time." She had always been a huge role model to me and for her to say that made me feel like a million bucks.

There were also other people along the way who would show me my strengths and helped me to see how I could make a difference in the lives of others.

Last year, I went on my first mission trip to Peru. It was the most incredible experience I had ever had before and I felt so blessed to get to go. While we were there, our main focus was a youth camp in the jungle area, (Iquitos.) The youth are absolutely amazing and they all wanted to be our friends. I have so many pictures of random kids that were like "we want a picture with you!!" The trip was only 10 days and as soon as we got on the plane to leave, I was ready to get off the plane to stay. So needless to say, when planning time came back around to start fundraising for Peru this year, I was overcome with excitement! My best friend was not old enough to go last year, so she got to go this year. While we were talking about the trip, the idea to visit our former youth pastors (the Hagermans) came up. They moved here 9 months ago to be missionaries and have an incredible story! ( After reading their blogs, and seeing the need Paraguay here, the decision to come was not a difficult one.

After many fundraisers, we finally made it. God has been so good in all of this and we have been so blessed!

We landed in Paraguay a little later than we were supposed to because on one of our layovers in Argentina, we were delayed an hour because of really bad storms, so the actual getting here was that much more exciting. It's so weird that one day we were in a country that spoke English and two days later, we were in a country that spoke spanish and another language, Guarani. It was the weirdest thing! Reality would really start to sink in when I would look down at the car infront of us and see "Paraguay" on it's license plate, if it had one that is...(some cars don't even have them...also weird..)
The day we met the children was wonderful. They're all so curious and they all wanted to know our names and hold our hands and spend time with us. Throughout the trip, we visited people of the neighborhood and they would visit us. Spending time with these people was what affected me the most. It just felt like home, and I didn't think I could leave, so I began praying about it. I was so afraid to not go home, because I am very close to my family and saying goodbye for 3 weeks was hard enough...I couldn't imagine any longer. I was also not physically prepared, I had only brought a few outfits with the intent to wash them and rewear them. I had no idea it was going to be this cold in their winter here so I mainly brought shorts and tshirts and a couple of very thin jackets, nothing really sufficient for a cold Paraguayan winter in a house that doesn't have heat... there was also a lot more stuff at home that I miss and knew that I would want, that I use on a daily basis. I finally decided to stay for sure a few days before time to leave. After praying about it, I felt like God has a purpose in me staying here and not having those things that I'm comfortable with at home, has given me a new perspective on life. I am used to having my own computer, a huge bed, and not sharing a bathroom. Being here has become a huge adjustment, but it's very humbling and it's helped me to become a servant, and I try to help out more with the people I live with. I find myself doing things everyday that I would normally never want to do and avoid at all costs. Haha.

I have no regret in staying and it has definately been a huge learning experience for me as a person and as a Christian. I do miss home and my family and friends, but I know that this is the right thing for my life right now. I wanted to thank everyone for all of their support and cares, continue to keep me in your prayers.

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