Sunday, January 10, 2010

Being Back

I've noticed myself getting more and more used to the lifestyle of being back in the US, and it makes me extremely sad. A few weeks ago, I was using a clothes dryer as opposed to a clothes line, for the first time in 6 months, and that taking a hot shower, that didn't require flipping a switch to turn the electric shower head on to make the water hot. 

I'm still getting asked if I'm excited to be back, and how I'm adjusting, and I'm still not sure exactly how to answer it all. I guess the best way to put it into words being 100% honest: I'm a different person. I don't know that I'll ever be fully adjusted, or excited as I could be, to be back.  In saying that, I do not mean at all that I'm not extremely happy to see my family and church family and friends again. But life has a different meaning. 

Tonight, Allisha and I spoke to the church about our trip experience, and it was so incredible to be able to show pictures and talk about what happened in Paraguay. Of course, just seeing the photos and hearing the stories, don't completely serve it justice, and none of them may ever know the people or the lifestyle of Paraguay as I have got to know it, but now they have a little piece of what goes on in a country that a lot of people don't even know exist. 

My past couple of Sundays (and some nights during the week) have been spent with the Spanish congregation of my Church. It still feels so surreal having complete conversations with them in Spanish, and they have really given me a confidence boost in being impressed with how fast I was able to pick up the language.